Awesome Screenshot Download Mac

After a long development period of over a year we finally have a Greenshot version for OS X. Greenshot for Mac is not just a port of the Windows version but a complete new development. We evaluated a lot of possibilities to share code between the platforms, but at the time being none of them lead to satisfying results, so we decided to buy a Mac, download XCode, learn Swift, get skilled in completely unknown terrain and build Greenshot for Mac up from scratch.

As of today, Greenshot is available in the Mac AppStore for all Macs running OS X 10.10 and newer.

Awesome Screenshot is a good alternative to take screenshots, the only problem is that it only works when Google Chrome is active. Visit Awesome Screenshot site and Download Awesome Screenshot Latest Version! Why Download Awesome Screenshot using YepDownload? Awesome Screenshot Simple & Fast Download! Works with All Windows (64/32 bit) versions! Awesome Screenshot. Sign in first, then upgrade to unlock unlimited screen recordings. Incorrect Email or Password! Forgot password? Incorrect Email or Password! Like your own account? Already have an account? Awesome screenshot free download - Awesome Screenshot, Awesome Screenshot for Firefox, ScreenShot, and many more programs. Enter to Search. My Profile Logout. Awesome Screenshot. Awesome Screenshot is a Google Chrome add-on that allows you to take screenshots while you surf the web in an easy and fast way. You'll only have to click the button tht will appear in the upper side. Free Download for Windows 10/8/7 and Mac. Link is in your clipboard Cancel. Just press both mouse buttons at the same time and your screenshot is ready! Instantly access video capture and screenshot functions using your mouse or a keyboard. You guys are awesome! This is the best app for screenshots.

Many of you will have some questions, we suppose, so to answer some in advance, here’s a litte FAQ:

Is it the same as the Windows version?

Definitely not. It’s not as feature rich, it’s only available in English at the moment and there’s still a lot of work to do, but the main features are there. If you are used to using Greenshot you may miss one feature or another but you’ll feel right at home.

Why is it not free? How much does it cost?

We decided to charge a little fee for Greenshot for Mac, because of the very high effort we had to make to bring it to you. It was really time consuming and also expensive. Plus Apple charges us for being in the AppStore and we really want to use their infrastructure, because it brings a lot of security.

For a start Greenshot for Mac will be available for around 2 bucks and after adding new features we may rise it a tiny bit to cover our costs. Nevertheless, Greenshot will still be one of the cheapest screenshot tools for Mac.


Awesome Screenshot Ie


By the way, developing Greenshot for Windows causes costs for us as well. As with all other open source software, you don’t really have to donate but we developers rely on our users to do so.

Awesome Screenshot Extension

Why is it not open source?

That’s mainly because of the competition. There’s a lot of good software for OS X out there but only a few supply their source code, so everyone has to figure the code out by themselves. There seem to be some unwritten rules in the market and we don’t want to break them. This may change in the future but for now, we’ll stick with closed source for Mac.

Will the Windows version be closed source too?

No. Never. You can trust on that. Windows has a completely different ecosystem and we are convinced that open source is a good thing, so we’ll leave everything as it is right now.

We hope, you’ll like it


To download, search for “greenshot” in the Mac AppStore or click here

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